What is Buzz Word?
A seemingly intelligent word that dumb people use to sound smart
Steve: We need to enter a new paradigm! Stop making so many egregious errors! Let's be retrospective, but proactive too!
Dan: Wait, paradigm, egregious, retrospective, proactive, aren't those just big words that dumb people use to sound smart?
a new popular word or slang phrase for an ordinary occurence with a pre-defined description.
origional phrase " how cool was that"
buzz word: "how slammin was that!"
Any "big" word used by someone of less-than-average intelligence in an attempt to sound intellectual.
'Big' Steph says: "Excuse me Sir I deem that comment to be of a sexist nature as it favours men over women".
A word stupid people say to sound intelligent.
Steph: I do not believe that that way of thinking is beneficial to both parties, despite their different sexes.
Ratticus: BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ohh shutup and suck my dick.