
What is Bwgsom?



2.Uber skillz unmatched by other Halo 2 gaymers

3. Is a recipe for mass pwnage.

4. Pr0 gaymer in FPS.

"Is that your face buddy?" "Where you goin' gangSta?" "Rolled!" These are some common phrases yelled by SOM when pwning n00bs and other "pr0" gamers who can only kill with lotto nades, the sword, and rockets. SOM uses his l33t sauce skillz to make the other team cry.

"WOW, GG faG. You're pr0 with that sword."

See Dennis


1){Elite] l33t.

2) Uber skillz unmatched by other Halo 2 gaymers.

"Is that your face buddy?" "Where ya goin' gangSta!!!??" Some common phrases used by SOM when pwning N00bs and other people who think are are "Pr0" with cheap weapons like lotto nades, the sword, or rockets with his leet sauce skills. "WOW, GG fag you're pr0 with that sword."

See Dennis


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