
What is Byahh?


Originating from Howard Dean in his "i have a scream" speech.later PARODIED by Dave Chapelle.

I just aced my test! Byahh!

See byahh, byah


A Feeling Of An Emotion Or An Action Showing Authority.

Im Gonna Beat Tyler's Ass And Then Rub It In Being Like Byahh

See word, byah, pride, emotion


pronounced 'b-yah'

just yell it,

you'll figure it out

get me the paper


See bia, byah, biah, byahh


daev chappelle says it

were goign to pitssbrgh and pennsylvania byahh!!!!

See beyah, byah, chappelle, dave chappelle, lil jon


a way of calling someone a bitch

a way to call someone a looser

tellin someone they have no life


1.)Wow! I cant believe he didn't have my back, hes such a byahh.

2.)Byahh please!

See bitch, looser, pussy, no life, weird


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