Byu Superdate

What is Byu Superdate?


Students at BYU or possibly other mormons attempt to find a loophole in the no-sex-before-marriage rule of the LDS faith.

Its quite simple.

Step 1: Drive to vegas as a heterosexual couple.

Step 2: Get a quick marriage.

Step 3: Fornicate your brains out.

Step 4: Get said marriage enolled.

Step 5: Return home and be able to say you have not had sex outside the bonds of a legally recognized marriage

And the loop hole is complete.

You realize that even though a BYU SuperDate sounds like it is a legitamate loophole you cannot fool God and it is clear that your intentions are sinful and you might as well just fornicate without the hassle of driving to Vegas.

See ncmo, mormon, fornication


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