
What is C^2?


(C-squared) To cut off a right angle on a path.

For instance, you may be walking from point A to point B to point C which resembles an L shape. To C^2 that, you walk straight from point A to point C, which makes a diagnol line, or the third side of a right triangle.

Suppose the distance from Point A to Point B is 10 feet.

Suppose the distance from Point B to point C is 8 feet.

Suppose the distance from Point A to Point C is 12 feet.

-this would make a right triangle

-it is shorter to walk 12 feet from POINT A TO POINT C, rather than walking 18 feet, from Point A TO POINT B TO POINT C...


John needed to walk in the quads, so instead of taking the rectangular path, he cut across the middle and C^2 that shit!

See math, triangle, right, c squared, shit, angle


the act of squaring an arbitrary letter for the purpose of sounding intelligent.

tammy fatfat told me she was skinny when i was drunk. in the morning i realized tammy fatfat was c^2 last night.

See bo


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