
What is Caboober?


One who claims he can jump over anything possible, thinks he has a key to any vagina, but will most likely trip and fall into a wall of flacid choads (see "choad" for better understanding)

Thats no playa, hes a fuckin caboober!


jerry rubino from sls.

jerry is the biggest caboober..EVER!!! and he has a chode and should be embarassed.


a penis faced bitch who had sex with Amelia Clay who looks like a tree.

Jorge Tello is a caboober


One who claims he has banged every hott girl on earth, and thinks he has a key to any vagina, but will most likely trip and fall into a wall of flacid choads (see "choad" for better understanding)

Thats no playa, he's a fuckin caboober!


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