Caitlin Handline

What is Caitlin Handline?


1. a superrr tall tree!

2. she eats her babies

3. super clingy

4. drama-obsessed

She's the kind of person that you would want to punch just when she opens her mouth. Stupid cunt that makes up stories about her life to make her seem cooler than she really is. She also pleasures herself at night because no guy will ever do it for her, using food items. These food items then get eaten out by her grandmother. Unfortunately she is so tall, but if she was a lot shorter, someone would definitely round-house kick her in the face.

granddaughter: "grandmom, can you come caitlin handline me?"

grandmom: "okayyy!!"

granddaughter: "yesss!! hurry up!"

See caitlin, slut, whore, bitch, cunt, jawn, dumbass, cate, drama, tree


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