What is Californicate?
To fuck up or make like California
Many years ago there was a bumper sticker: "DON'T CALIFORNICATE COLORADO"
1. verb - The act of migration from California to other states in search of cheaper housing, better morals, and lack of gangs, drugs, prostitution, etc. Instead, they drive up house prices whereever they move to, and bring their low morals, gangs, drugs, and prostitution to the other states.
2. verb - The performance of sexual acts with a person higher-up in the movie industry in order to be in a Hollywood movie, made famous in a song by the
3. verb - The combination of the words California and fornicate to signify the despicable acts defined above. See
1. Don't californicate Utah!
2. She had to californicate just to be an extra on the set for that movie.
3. They want to californicate the whole nation.
to bone in california with no marraige involved
so hot! californicate because we are in california!