
What is Calizona?


Something of a wormhole in eastern California and western Arizona where one doesn't know which state they're in and doesn't really know how to get out.

Interestingly enough, it shares some shocking similarities with the Bermuda Triange, as aliens have been known to regularly abduct peopleand small planes from the area. Although they seem to do this with relative ease, humanoids, on the other hand, are prone to get sucked in, lose their sanity, wander aimlessly in the surrounding desert, and have their corpses found months later amidst the cactus and shrubs - sometimes by highway patrol officers, sometimes by said extraterrestrials.

Characterized by sand, hot weather, ugly towns, Mexicans, and an equal number of Californian license plates as Arizonan license plates.

Person 1: Where are we? California? Arizona?

Person 2: I have no idea.. Calizona, maybe?

Person 1: Ah, fuck.

See aliens, arizona, california, insanity


Something of a wormhole in eastern California and western Arizona where one doesn't know which state they're in and doesn't really know how to get out.

Interestingly enough, it shares some shocking similarities with the Bermuda Triange, as aliens have been known to regularly abduct peopleand small planes from the area. Although they seem to do this with relative ease, humanoids, on the other hand, are prone to get sucked in, lose their sanity, wander aimlessly in the surrounding desert, and have their corpses found months amidst the cactus and shrubs - sometimes by highway patrol officers, sometimes by said extraterrestrials.

Characterized by sand, hot weather, ugly towns, Mexicans, and an equal number of Californian license plates as Arizonan license plates.

Person 1: Where are we? California? Arizona?

Person 2: I have no idea.. Calizona, maybe?

Person 1: Ah, fuck.

See aliens, arizona, california, insanity


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