What is Calmar?
A boring ass alcoholic hillbilly ghost town south of Edmonton Alberta. It is the most boring place on earth. There is absolutely nothing to do except get drunk, stoned, or leave town. Never come here. (Unless you have something entertaining to offer)
Calmar, Alberta, Canada; Thorsby, Ab, Can; Warburg, Ab Can; etc
A completely bumfucked town in no-mans land north of Dubuque. Everyone there is either cracked out or a complete fuckin hick, or cracked out hicks. It is the most boring place on earth, and there is nothing to do but drink get high and sit around in your houses, cuz everybody outside is fucked up. The people are kind of like zombies except they're cracked out hillbilly zombies, that drive big loud trucks.
The actual town of Calmar, IA or any town in Clayton, Winnishiek, Fayette, or Allamkee county, IA.