
What is Camelcase?


This is a way of writing variable names and function names in a programming language. Programming languages do not allow spaces in variable or function names, but using camelCase these words are still readable and it is marked improvement on _ notation

function myFunctionName()

var myVariableName;

var camelCase = true;

class cMyClassName

See camelcase, programming, coding, object-oriented, java, c++, programmer


The annoying act of unnecessarily talking in alternating uppercase and lowercase. Usually seen on MSN messengerdisplay names.

LeTs TaLk In CaMeLcAsE aNd MaKe OuR wOrDs UnReAdAbLe!!!!

See annoying, msn, grammar


pepes - mostly emos, use it on everything they do. mostly on things like MSN messenger. they put it as their name, and they do it so u know they r emo. its so fukin annoying n illegible.

i'M a FuCkInG eMo I aLlWaYs TaLk In CaMeLcAsE

See pepes, emo, msn messenger, annoying


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