What is Cameono?
The name of a well known person or celebrity used to describe an action or situation, normally put into past tense,(ending in "ed") and followed by "that hoe".
Example 1 (cameono)
Speaker 1: I could'nt get the dog to let go of my little brother, so I shot it.
Speaker 2: Damn, so you Michel Vicked that hoe?
Speaker 1: I had to, Cuz!
Example 2
Speaker 1: They say when John crashed he totaled his car and died instantly.
Speaker 2: Instantly? He must have Pincess Dianna'd that hoe!
Example 3
Speaker 1: While I was cleaning my gun it accidentily went off and the bullet hit my leg.
Speaker 2: Ha,ha,ha! You Plaxico Burresed yourself!