
What is Camera?


A little box that bestows a power unknown on its weilder, which gives them the apparent ability to control the facial expression and bodily pose of whomever they point the small box toward.

Cameraman: "Stand over there and raise your hands to the sky"

Others: -stand in directed area and raise hands-"This good?"

Cameraman: "Now Say Cheese"

Others: "Cheese"

See camera, power, picture, photo, control


a device used to steal the souls of Aboriginal people, referred to as a picture box by many hill-billies.

Look, that aboriginals soul was just stolen by a camera.

See camera, aboriginal, thingie, picture


an object to create pornography

John: yo paul i got a camera!

Paul: sweet let's film some porn!

See camera, digital, pornography, porno


1. A device that can capture a frozen image of time itself.

2. An object capable of destroying lives.

3. A device that shows what you really look like.

1. Teh sun will nevere look the same.

2. This is a picture of my boss cheating on his wife. I used a camera to take the picture.

3. Person 1: Oh my god. Why didn't anyone tell me?

Person 2: You always looked like that, you dumbshit.

Person 1: Nooooooooooooo.

See memories, photoshop, camera whore, power, blackmail, we found a problem


1. an apparatus used to take photographs by the admittance of light rays through an aperture. Often using a lens to focus the rays onto a film of light-responsive chemicals.

2. Dutch slang for cool.

1. There's a nice bird, I'd like to remember what that looks like forever. I think I'll take a photomegraph with my camera.

2. Wow man, thet bord ish sho camera...


Something you take to parties to record events, so you can find out what happened the next day.

We knew it was gonna be a very liquid night at 58 so we had Catelyn bring the camera.

See camera, liquid, party, 58, facebook


Any thing usable to capture an image for future viewing.

(i bet no one knows this)

The computer has a screen shot camera

press print scrn, open paint, press ctrl+v.

See computer, open, image


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