
What is Camgirl?


Girl who does virtual peepshows via webcam for a living.

I'm working my way through school as a camgirl.


An internet model, usually a girl next door type, characterized by sporadic-to-frequent photograph updates via an automatic webcam. Generally speaking, the pictures tend to be solo tease or nude shots, with occasional pornography, and some girls do not even get naked. Thus, their audience is generally comprised more of voyeurs than people seeking hard-core pornography. As such, camgirls usually have a blog and at least a minimal website.

Often, camgirls will branch out into other related ventures, including private shows, chat sessions, members-only sites with higher quality media, streaming shows, and the like.

The amateur quality and higher level of viewer/cammer interaction tends to draw mixed reactions. Some find it much more appealing than a more anonymous porn site, while others feel that camgirls take advantage of their admirers for money and gifts.

I just bought a webcam, once my website is up I think that I will become a camgirl.

See Erica


A girl with an online journal and website, (usually badly designed) who broadcasts her image over the internet in exchanges for wishlist items from strange anon. men. Usually shows less skin than a camwhore, and most always underaged. Good examples are : 5ilver, Agali and

See Mellie


see camwhore

"A female who broadcasts live pictures or video of herself over the World Wide Web"


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