What is Camp Arbak?
most likely the happiest place on earth from 19 something to around 1995. where dreams not only did not come true but bee stings found there padge of honor, fish hooks found thumbs and tether ball was a judge of how big your actual balls were or how tall you were. kids were nicknamed blockhead and others tight ass. one of the last true places to be a kid. Now no kids will ever know what its like for grass stains on your legs to be there as long as tattoos, capture the flag showed you who your real friends were or to have a ghost story told that so scary you were afraid to get up to go pee that in the morning your sleeping bag was soaked and not from dew. My last stand as a child and where i became a man when i took Emily Jablon's hand and a week later she took Ander Slobodians, prick, goodbye grease the watermelon and flower power you will always have a place in my heart and scars on my knees, shalom out
camp arbak- the timeless art of growing up
See summer , camp , fun , childhood
camp arbak- the timeless art of growing up