Camp Emerson

What is Camp Emerson?


A small camp located in the center of the Western Massachusett's Berkshire Mountains. Where it is considered a felony if two members of the opposite sex touch, converse, are in the same room, or breathe the same air. However, the horny Hillcrests figure out a way to get around the director's lurking flashlights at events such as stargazing and court time. Camp Emerson is famous for it's Not so Ordinary Science program in which most males take part in as an excuse for not doing Not so ordinary sports. This program includes rocketry (a favorite among boys side), model cars, and the new No so Ordinary Camp Emerson Weather Team, that drains the ears of the entire camp at every breakfast. The number of Not so ordinary Jewish children populating this wonderful camp is diminishing due to a horrible 2004 summer. It is predicted that in 2 years the camp will be A) closed down or B) a science camp for boys ages 8-12. However, many a camper have said that they have had the best summer's of their lives at Camp Emerson, as well as making some of the best friends they've ever had. This camp is also sometimes seen as a "Jap" camp, enrolling Fairfield and Westchester county's Not so ordinary finest. It is also known for College Days, where there is a breakout that gets lamer every year and 4 (cough:3:cough) teams compete for absolutely nothing... well maybe a not so ordinary cup of soda.

"Camp Emerson - Not Your Ordinary Camp"

"Dude.. watch out.. a counselor is coming with a flashlight and we're 10 feet closer than we should be"

"Wasn't ultimate bemo so fun last night?"

"I'm so excited to go to Cape Cod for trip day! Who are you gonna hook up with on the bus ride there?"

See emerson, plunkett, berkshires


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