Camp Seneca Lake

What is Camp Seneca Lake?


the awesomest place in the world. a camp in the woods at the edge of a cornfield in penn yan. the staff is cool, and the campers are the shiznit. its run out of the jcc, so the kids are predominately rich and jewish. many of them are from brighton and pittsford. the campers are divided into 5 villages. seneca, mohawk, onondaga, cayuga, and tuscarora. friday night serves as a religious time for the jewish sabbath, with a nice dinner and then shabbat walk. services are fun. camp seneca lake is the awesomest place ever. WARNING: ALL OF THE FOOD IS KOSHER

goy: yo man, what are you doing this summer?

jew: camp seneca lake!! its going to be amazing

See brighton, pittsford, jewish, shabbat, jew


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