
What is Camwhore?


Girls who are amateurs at posing slutty and seductive. They do the cliche poses, and think they are sexy by showing their mostly flabby pale white stomach, and their make-up drenched faces. They have websites up with a slutty layout, and have a whole archive of pictures of themselves doing different, or maybe even tons of the same, slutty poses, making idiots of their unattractive selves. Sometimes they even charge you for a membership! It's quite humorous.

"Send me $15.00 via paypal, and I'll show you a nother picture of my worthless dirty white tits!!"


n. Anyone, male or female, who is addicted to taking countless pictures of themselves to post on the internet. Pictures range from conservative face shots to explicit nude photos complete with visible sex acts. A camwhore may reach the status of such internet fame that they can begin CHARGING for the privelege of viewing their pictures.

v. to camwhore

See also:

pic, lj, blog, webcam, suicidegirl

n. Would you stop being such a camwhore?!?! I think the whole east coast, and some peeps in Germany, have seen you topless!

Jimmy and Rico can be such camwhores; loading all those pics makes my pc smoke, lol.

v. I wouldn't camwhore tonight if I were you. You're looking a bit bloated...

See Frenchie


Someone, usually female, and often of the scene, emo, or goth "subculture" who enjoys taking countless pictures of their heavily made-up selves and posting them online. Camwhores usually post their pictures on myspace, less often on livejournaland xanga, and sometimes even on our very own Urban Dictionary, out of a desire for attention and to show off their low-cut t-shirts and pale, underdeveloped boobies under poor lighting.

There are four types of pictures that the camwhore takes of herself:

1. The "Emo" picture-Common on livejournal and Urban Dictionary images for emo. Showing 3/4 of the face, camera held high, and looking down. Sullen expression a must. Usually taken in black and white.

2. The "Oops, I did it again"-Often used by scene girls on their myspace, the "Oops I did it again" is an attempt to seem coy or playful. Taken from the front, hand over mouth, eyes pointed up and to the side.

3. The "tuff" pic-Favored by ugly hardcore girls on their myspace profile. Another 3/4 view, this one is taken at eye level. Beady eyes and an angry expression shows just how xxHARDxCORExx the "tuff" girl is.

4. The "Happy Little Fairy"-Another common Livejournal pic, this one is favored by underage cutesy girls. Taken with the photographer lying on her back, camera pointed down at her face, wearing a dreamy, shit-eating gaze.

No, xxcryingxonethousandxtearsxx, I will not accept you as my friend. I dont even know you, you stupid camwhore.


A person, Male or Female who likes to take pictures upon pictures of themselfs. They may post them all over their little spaces on the net, including but not limited to Lj, Xanga, My Space, VampireFreaks, Hot or Not, Ect... And they may post them all over message boards they frequent.

Or they can be one of your friends who likes to send you a dozen new pictures everyday of themselfs, in new and old poses, clothes, makeup, ect... And you now have a bigger collection of their face on your computer than you do Mp3 files and other picture files put together. And if any one were to see said collection of pic's you might be accused of being obsessive, or a stalker or something.

**Person/s in pictures do not have to be nude to be a camwhore.**

Said people might also be catagorized as Attention Whores.

"Sam, you're a camwhore you know that, with all the pictures you send me of yourself people are gonna think I have some strange obsession with you."

See camwhore, camera whore, attention whore


(n.) Someone who steals your disposable camera while you're on a trip and takes 27 pictures of themselves.

Goddamn camwhore!

See camera, whore, bitch, asshole, stealth


A modern definition of the word narcissist, from the word narcissism, only with a camera, camcorder, webcam, camera phone, etc. (see-media-whore)


Pronunciation: (när'su-siz"em),


1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.

2. Psychoanal.erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development. Also,nar•cismPronunciation: (när'siz-um).

Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease

He/she is such a camwhore that he/she asks the clerk at the convenience store for a copy of their securtity video every time he/she buys a soda!

See narcissist, media-whore, Damien


Someone who adds their photo to emo on slangdefine

camwhore 1: i'm bored

camwhore 2: let's go on slangdefine and add our photos to the emo definiton!

camwhore 1: YES! that's such a good way to pass the time!

See slut, idiot, stupid, whore, emo


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