Can You Hear Me Now?

What is Can You Hear Me Now??


1. What you say repeatedly when you're on a shitty cell phone/have a bad connection.

2. What's said in the Verizon Wireless commercials by 'that guy'.

1. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!? What the fuck is wrong with your phone, yo?!

2. -"Can you hear me now...?"


See 4


No, no I can't.

Guy 1: Can you hear me now?

Guy 2: No, no I can't.

See phone, cell, verizon, no


The next time that Verizon Wireless guy says this overrought old cliche that has worn out its welcome and was already stale before this shittydecade even began, I'm gonna throw an Ottomanstool at the damn TV and watch an electronic flash as the screen is shattered from the impact.

1. I turn on the TV. It's commercial time beings that a show has just ended. The Verizon guy whips out his cell phone. YES he says it AGAIN: "Can you hear me now?"


2. Not only can I hear you now but you're annoying the hell outta me! You'd better shut it up now!

See stupid, annoying, irritating, geek, nerd, stfu, go away, beat it, scram


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