
What is Canadianism?


A word used predominatly by Canadians. See the paragraph in my example.

Last night, I cashed my pogeyand went to buy a mickeyof CC at the beer parlour, but my skidoogot stuck in the muskegon my way back to the duplex. I was trying to deke a deer, you see. Damn chinook, melted everything. And then a Mountiesnuck up behind me in a ghost car and gave me an impaired. I was S.O.L., sitting there in my Stanfieldsand a toqueat the time. And the mountie, he's all chippy and everything, calling me a shit disturberand whatnot.

Every linked word is a Canadianism.


1) a word that has origin or is commonly used among canadian culture.

hooser, chinook, slough, grid and eh? are all canadianisms


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