What is Canal Street?
Street in SoHo (lower Manhattan) stretching from the Holland Tunnel to Washington Square Park where many, many street vendors gather to sell an array of things such as fake Rolexs and other watches, fake Gucci, fake Prada, fake Louis Vaton, fake shoes, fake Oakley sunglasses, fake basketball jerseys, lighters, fake jewelry, marijuana smoking paraphanelia, ethnic crafts, drugs, bootleg CDs, bootleg movies, electronic devices, and much more. It is a very fun place to go to if you are visiting the city.
I got my entire wordrobe on canal street.
To copy another persons mannerisms and or verbage. To bite ones style.
Yo son, don't canal street my walk. Yo son, you just canal streeted my idea.
Street in Manchester (UK) that runs alongside the canal; Famous for it's bars and clubs that cater for a mainly homosexual crowd. Often refered to as Anal Treat/Anal Treats. Runs through the "Gay Village" which is home for many other LGBT orientated venues.
"We going down Canal Street tonight?"