
What is Canny?


North Eastern English slang for something good or nice. There is no bigger compliment than being called canny.

She's a right canny lass

See Julie


Geordie slang for a really genuine and kind hearted person. Someone who is just all round nice. They always mean well.

That girl's dead canny.


North Eastern background. Meaning Quite, or rather.

Thats canny good.

She's canny dead.

See Lucky


A white man of African appearance, with a permanent moustache, resembling a Dirty Sanchez.

Often spotted wearing skirts and peach or salmon coloured tight T-shirts.


See canny, ladyboy


A way of saying "can not" (Particularly Scottish).

"I canny find me brew. Did ya drink it?"

See can't, canni, can, cannot


Comes from the world famous Counter-strike Source player - cAnnY, he was so skilled with the AK/M4 & AWP he could one bullet any head from any distance. Comes from the UK underground scene where he's transferring his skills onto new and upcoming players.

<source-player1> "woah, did you see that canny shot? thats going to make me e-famous!"


<source-player2> "OMG i just got canny one bulleted, what a lucker!"

See counter-strike, source, css, canny, uk


Canny is where you are neither fit or a minger but you are in the middle.

But do not make the mistake this one girl made when she tried to copy Hannah and say that he was cannied.

that just went wrong

Kelly "Yea well that boy you like hes more canny then fit"

Hollie "hes been cannied"

hannah " you cant say that"


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