
What is Canonical?


The real deal; a piece that is widely recognized as a genuine member of the body of work (oeuvre) of a given artist/writer/composer; a standard by which all others are compared.

I just finished reading the "canonical list of auto plurals" on


The standard form of a mathmematical equation that can be written in many ways, making it easier to compare to other forms of the same equation.

The canonical sum of products form for representing the boolean function OR is simply A + B


(1) In agreement with the religious law.

(2) In mathematics, the obvious or natural choice.

(1) Canonical Investiture is the act by which a suzerain granted a fief to his vassal.

(2) Let f be the canonical map between X and Y....


someone or something that would be really cool to launch out of a canon.

Yo, that chicken is very canonical.


Something an obsessed Dr Who fan can pretend is an episode of a television programmes which stopped being made years ago.

Of course "Worzel Gummidge" is canonical.

See kd


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