
What is Caputo?


A squaky kid similar to a jew or a bluebird. often lacks friends and is considered by most birdwatchers to be a no life. spends his time taking pictures of himself in his room or bathroom and sees how he gets gayer over the years.

haha look at that no life, What a Joe Caputo

See no life


A Fat version of a skinny kid.

That kid Thomas is such a Caputo.

See gunt, cunt, vagina, gooch


A penny pincher ; quite similar to a jew. Also tends to have physical jew characteristics ie. jew fro, enlarged nose, gaudy fashion sense. commonly found hovering around bargin bins with coupons.

The kid eats in the dorm cafeteria everyday so he doesn't have to pay for lunch...what a caputo!

See jew, cheap, lazy, jewish, coot


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