
What is Carbonaro?


1)Southern Italian for coal miner

2)A secret society to force democracy in early Italy


The Carbonaro society had to silence one of the former presidents, Pappas, in 1920.

See italian, italy, pappas, secret, society, democracy, coal miner, carboner, crabs


1)Southern Italian for coal miner

2)A secret society to force democracy in early Italy


The Carbonaro society had to silence one of the former presidents, Pappas, in 1920.

See italian, italy, pappas, secret, society, democracy, coal miner, carboner, crabs


1) Southern italian for coal miner

2) Kid from taunton, Oftently refered to as crabs, carbona, or Mark.

3) Defeater of Pappas.

Carbonaro killed pappas.

See crabs, carbona, mark, carboner, pappas


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