Cardinal Fitness

What is Cardinal Fitness?


A rapidly growing fitness club located primarily in Northwest Indiana and the Chicagoland area. With a flat rate of $19.95 a month with a small sign up fee, Cardinal's prices give you the basic equipment you need to get in shape for a price that blows away its large competitors (e.g. XSport, Bally's, YMCA). Another upside of Cardinal Fitness is that you can workout without having to see sweaty euro-trash douchebags wearing white jeans and express graphic tees to the gym.

Dan: Dude let's sign up to Xsport for the summer.

Mike: And pay $90 more to workout in an overcrowded gym with outdated equipment while listening to the latest shitty techno remix? I'm going to Cardinal Fitness.

See cardinal, fitness, gym, bally's, ymca


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