
What is Car-hopping?


walking (this is crucial! do not drive! two words liscence plates!) down streets near your house, aproaching cars parked on the side of the street, and casually checking to see if one of the doors is unlocked, then if you are lucky enough to find one unlocked (odds are about 7-1), quickly and swiftly searching throughout it for money, drugs, stereo equipment, cell phones, electronics, wallets, purses, gift cards, (you get the idea), then taking it, quietly closing the door and moving on to the next vehicle -ive never done it

tom: hey dude im so sick of work but i need the cash for a new system for my car

joe:dude this weekend lets just go car-hopping, last time i earned over $350, got a video ipod, subs, 2 wallets, and 4 pounds of grass

tom:arent you worried you'll get caught?

joe:i'm fast and not retarded, so, no

See stealing, theft, robbery, easy money


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