
What is Caring?


1.) adjective: compassionate, warm-hearted, loving.

2.) adjective: tenderly concerned and helpful

3.) adjective: affectionate

4.) idea: kindness, sympathy, understanding

When she was crying, her caring friend gave her a hug.

See Dannielle


In short terms it basically means "Does it look like I care?"

The term can also be used with the word "lots" after it as in "Caring lots?"

You can also use the "?" after other things such as "Making Sense?"

Stupid Asshole: Hey guys check out my cool new boots!

You: Caring?

Your Friend: Caring lots?

See stupid


Used to sarcastically state that you really do not care what someone has just said.

Mike: yea, so I worked out again today.

John: caring.

Mike: Tiger just got a hole in one!

John: caring.

See sarcasm, care, whatever, sarcastic


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