What is Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim?


Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (June 4, 1867 – January 28, 1951) was the Commander-in-Chief of Finland's Defence Forces, Marshal of Finland, an astute politician and a successful military commander. He was the sixth President of Finland (1944–1946). Mannerheim was born in the Grand Duchy of Finland to a notable Finnish noble family that had migrated during the 17th century to Sweden-Finland from The Netherlands. He started his military career in the Imperial Russian army, becoming the leader of Finnish government forces in the civil war of 1918 and during the Second World War.

"Did you see that white old man, Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim?"

"-Yes, nice moustaches'"

See carl, gustaf, emil, mannerheim, finnish, finland, baron, military, commander, president


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