
What is Carnie?


Austin Powers Sums this one up nicley.

Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.

Hey carnie those coconuts are stuck to the poles !


Carnival workers. Good, hardworking, trustworthy, honest, good-for-nothing, unreliable, foul-smelling vagrants who work at our nation's (USA) carnivals.

Do not let these people into your homes.

The effing carnie sat on the couch and now we have to burn it... and him. Wheres my wallet?


Carnie is the name of the hapless protagonist from the blockbuster hit "Death of Carnie". He is proficient with torches and old timey bicycles. His nemesis is N-Steak

Carnie is underfed and possibly immortal.

See carnie, carny, wilson, death of carnie, lox


The scary people who work at carnivals.

A smelly carnie with four teeth missing was hitting on me


A person with sub-standard looks.

A person who looks like they operate the tilt-a-whirl at the county fair.

"Mike goes for carnies, he only gets laid when the carnival is in town"


a language spoken between carnies. that later moved into the enterainment feild. more so the pro-wrestling inner circle. speaking in carnie

no example for those who are not in the inner circle!!!!


poor people who cheat children on fair games, usually giving poor prizes to those who do win.

dont go near him he's a smelly carnie


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