Carol Ann

What is Carol Ann?


a truly different and special girl.She is very friendly and draws in guys. She has wonderful eyes and a goregous smile. her best feature is between her smile, laugh, and butt. irresistable to everyone.

"Carol Ann is amazing."

See wonderful, hott, amazing, breathtaking, lovely


A girl from Connecticut that rides dirt bikes but CANNOT mix fuel or even START HER OWN BIKE. Known to be very loud and giggle frequently, may be seen riding a "pony", but never a horse. May have an extreme fear of Road Apples.

Russell couldn't start his bike, then he realized the gas was shut off. Russell pulled a Carol Ann on us.

See carol, dirt bike, ktm, connecticut


A soul sucking vampire that will lull you into a false sense of security over the course of 8 years,then once your there,will crush your spirit leaving you a helpless ineffectual man.

I wanted to buy her a drink but I knew she was a Carol Ann,and I really didnt want to waste that much of my life just to get a piece of ass.

See bitch, cunt, flake, succubus


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