What is Cartman?
The whole reason to watch south park. He is the fattest kid and the funniest. Watches Terrence and Philip while eating cheesy poofs, snacky cakes, chocalate chicken pot pies, and powerdered donut pancake suprise. Has a slutty mom who spoils him. Always coming up with some stupid idea to get rich or get revenge.
Bob: Lets watch south park, its the one where cartman builds a hippie drill!
Everything that is racist, ignorant, and just plain wrong in the world condensed down into a fat, hilarious nine year old cartoon character.
Cartman: Don't call me fat, you fucking Jew!
Mr. Garrison: Eric, did you just say the F-word?
Cartman: Jew?
Eric Theodore Cartman, who generally goes by "Cartman," is one of the four central characters in the hit animated series
"Screw you guys, im goin home"
"whatever I"ll do whatever i want"
"kyle's mom's a bitch she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world..."
Kyle:"Cartman! You fucking fat ass"
"No its not like terrorism, it IS terrorism."
Cartman is quite possible the most perfectly witty and intelligent cartoon character ever created. If one just looks past the blatant racism and accept that the use of cartman is to just mock everything bad about society, you'll find it quite funny.
Cartman: That's it I'm not following this god damn hippy around anymore
Choir Teacher: Excuse me little boy I'm the adult here and I say we're going this way
Cartman: I'm going over naaa, and your going over maaa, me naaa you maaa, screw you guys, ima goin hooooomee
Eric Theodore Cartman is not only (easily) the best character on South Park, but one of the best characters in television history, and dare I say fiction.
Cartman is the shit. Period.
Possibly and most likely the funniest cartoon charactar of all time. he stars in the show South Park, a moutain town in Colorado. Cartman is a fat,spoiled kid whos mom is a hermaphrodite. he also Hates Jews especially Kyle. Cartman is always ripping on him for being a Jew.
Cartman:Fuck you you dirty jewbag!!!
Kyle:Screw you!!!
Everything and everyone that is wrong in the world condensed into a 9 year old funny cartoon character that allows complicated issues to make some sense.
Cartman is an antisemitic that makes the issue funny for the moment