What is Case Quarter?
In the old days people used dollar coins. Some times they would cut them into 4 parts. (2 bits 4 bits). If someone wanted a dollar coin that was not in pieces, they would say "case dollar".This got refreshed several years ago. When some one walks up to you and they say, "Yo, you gots a case quarter?" most of the time they will have 2 dimes and 1 nickle.
A kid walks up to the person working in an arcade and ask "Yo, you gots a case quarter?" They need a quarter to put into a token machine so they can play a game.
A Black American dialectal term for a twenty-five cent piece. Still in current use in isolated areas: attested often in Middle Georgia.
"Yo gotta case quarter I can borraw?"
A 25-cent piece. NOT a combination of coins equaling 25 cents.
An in-law family member asked if anyone had any 'case quarters,' as he wanted to go to a do-it yourself car wash where the machine would accept only 25-cent pieces. That family has been in the Alexandria, Virginia area since 1763.