Cat Brains

What is Cat Brains?


to ask a group of buddies if they have ever seen cat brains, when answered with a no proceed to whip out sack and say look, when they turn around yell cat brains!

southern version of the sack attack!

carl: hey guys ever seen some cat brains?

guys: Hell no, thats sick!

Carl: look, (pause) Cat brains bitches!!!

See sack, attack, sack attack, cat, brains


The brains of a cat. usually dead, but there are exceptions to this rule.

Steve: You know whats good on toast?

Jim: Cat brains?

See cat brains, cat, fanny, queef, tits, necropaedophiliac


when a male crams his balls through the fly of his pants and unsupectedly shows a female or male for that matter.

Yo that girl sucked the knowledge out of my cat brains.


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