Cat Call

What is Cat Call?


When a guy gives the wert whirlwhistle or yells at a babydoll for the purpose of getting attention and in hopes of a future hookup. This is usually done out of the window of a car. Typically a Pontiac Firebird, or Camaro.

99.9% a hookup never arises and it's just the thrill that keeps these going.

Good News: Johnny got laid by giving a CAT CALL. BAD NEWS: The CAT CALL was given by the JUNIOR High School, and not the SENIOR high school, so Johnny is doing 10 - 20.

Billy and Tommy got grounded when Lisa tattled on them for doing CAT CALLS on the playground.

See wert whirl


Exemplified in the main chorus in 3Oh!3's song Starstrukk.

Stereotypical whistle in which a male uses to convey his pleasure he has undergone simply from glimpsing upon an attract female visage. Usually leads to sexual intercourse.


DO NOT use on cats.

Nice legs, daisy dukes, makes a man go *insert cat call*

See bronx cheer, boo, derision, gibe, hiss, hoot, jeer, raspberry, shout, whistle


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