Cat Vest

What is Cat Vest?


A small vest/coat/jumper worn by a cat or a small dog, such as a malteseor shihtzu. It is slipped over the head and usually through the arm holes although some varieties include leg, and even tail holes. Sometimes these vests can be made of corduroy, but usually not - and more often either burberry, cotton, tartan/plaid or wool. However, they can even be made out of plastic or even spandex. A lot of rich people such as Paris Hiltonlike to dress their small almost-a-handbag-but-it's-living dogs (and possibly cats) in designer vests. Some are fitted with real diamonds or just diamantes and usually accompany a matching collar. Particular breeds of small dog need to wear vests because their natural hair or fur does not keep them warm enough due to the unnatural climates in which they live.

"Like woah! See Paris's ugly dog?"

"oh gross! Corduroy Cat vest!"

"Yeah, I know! It's not natural for Paris to be wearing dog clothes."

See dog, vest, cat, paris hilton, corduroy, dong


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