
What is Catbird?


A man with some class who has the ability or skill to attract women at random. A smooth talker. A pantydropper. A man who has a very cunning method to lure women into his arms or into his bed.

That catbird on the dance floor has already got him a women loaded up tonight!

The bird chases the cat out of the front yard, hence the word catbird. Cause a true catbird is always chasing the pussy!

You can tell by the way he's dressed, that dude is a catbird!

See smooth talker, womanizer, man whore


Transitioner, ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE, mostly used in moments of excitement, grief, failing, success, happiness, sadness, pain, glee, caffiene highs and most other emotions.

Look at that fucking catbird!!! He's hot shit!

OMG CATBIRD!!! I just burnt my fucking hand on this plastic!

See hottie, fuck, bitch


Old metal guy who lives in Total Rock.

Job: To rid the world of the 'small headed cunt'

'You Fanny'


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