
What is Catfood?


Drugs, of smokable nature

Smokin' catfood, tokin' catfood, ready to pap you if we have to

See marijuana, cocaine, heroin, pcp, dip


What is left after you eat all of the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms.

"Dude you ate all the marshmallows and left the catfood in my box of Lucky Charms. Not cool dude."

See catfood, cat food, luckycharms, cereal, marshmallows


(n) A synonymn for Cocaine, or any other drug that can be snorted up the nose.

"Hey, do you have any Catfood?"

"Yeah, lets feed our cats in the restroom"

See cat food, catfood, blow, coke, cocaine, narcotics, rx


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