
What is Cathal?


Irish male name (the Welsh are known as sheepshaggers, not the irish)

It's tagged in lynx onto a ramp in a skate park in fassnidge, Uxbridge

Pronouced COH-ol

OMG Cathal is the sexiest beast alive!!!

See cathal, cool, sexy, irish, uxbridge


the coolest person on the planet. his qualities include good looks, high iq, exceptional talent in all areas and just pure brilliance.

the one and only cathal


Dirty trickster, tease. Someone who knows how to push your buttons and uses it to their advantage.

I was so frustrated, he behaved like a complete Cathal...

See Pie



Cathal is a male name, meaning 'mighty in battle.' Derived from the Gaelic elements cath "battle" and val "rule". Pronunciation may vary from region to region.

Hey Cathal, you would make a fine Emperor of the world!

See cathal, irish, strong, in, battle, rule, take, over, the, world


When you harm someone of an opposing religion, you've done a Cathal

Eric: Hey, why did you harm that Jew?

Fred: I dunno, I just felt like doing a Cathal!

Eric: Sweet

See cathal, jew, irish, sperm, bucket, paddy, phone, sex, word, again


A poof that wants nothing more than to grow. Also an other word for a sheepshagger.

Simon is in the field and he is acting like cathal


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