Catholic Priest

What is Catholic Priest?


A cleric whose chief powers, according to the Roman Church, are to forgive sins in God's Name and to confect the Holy Eucharist.

My cousin is a Catholic priest. He loves to hear confessions and say Mass. He is one smart and cool dude!

See priest, catholic, church, bishop, god, jesus


See Kid diddler.

That catholic priest diddled them all there innocent childs!

See diddler, kid, priest, molester, child, children, the


A member of a Catholic Church with some power who uses his powers as excuses to molest and rape little kids, commonly little boys.

If you want to see two Catholic Priests fight to the death, just toss in a little boy between them, but remember, the winner fights Michael Jackson!

See rapist, pervert, michael jackson, molester, asshole


See - "Devil in a black coat"

"Run children, guard your backsides. Here comes the catholic pervert priest"


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