Catholic School Girl

What is Catholic School Girl?


In slang terms, this is the stereotype describing the woman who gives the appearance of being very conformist, wholesome, and pure of "sin" (sex, drugs, and other indulgences), but in reality has a deep compulsion to be the contrasting opposite: very promiscuous and all-around unwholesome.

At the S&Mclub, Harry saw several women dressed in Catholic school girl uniforms.


the most amazing people ever.


i'm a Catholic School girl, therefore i do everything better than you.

See plaid, pigtails, nuns


A catholic school girl is a girl who attends a catholic school. The girl is usually good-looking and has many secrets. At catholic schools, the girls try extra hard to look good because thats the only way to stand out with those fugly uniforms.

Boys are especially attracted to the catholic school girls because of Britney's Spears' music video a couple of years ago.

p.s. Catholic school girls are not sluttier than public school girls.

boy1: damn, sally looks fine today!! her skirt is extra short!

boy2: yeah, man. its so fucking sexy.


Well, I really only wrote this to tell catholic school girl that she wrote a pro definition on the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and that it's okay that her mom doesn't understand that Flea is just nothing, and she has nothing to hide from her daughter. Like say, a One Hot Minute album. Anyway, Catholic School Girls Rule is a beautifully produced song by Red Hot Chili Peppers and the human race should groove to their sound, and that's What It Is.

Your solar eyes are like nothing I've ever seen, Catholic School Girl

See catholic, school, girl, girls, rule, red, hot, chili, peppers


a song by the early red hot chili peppers an awesome song its really funny

in the class shes taking notes just how deep deep is my throat


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