
What is Catholicism?


A Christian sect, the spiritual center of which is in Vatican City and which believes the Pope to be the earthly successor of St. Peter. It's notable for its intricate Masses, veneration of Mary and the saints, and for the controversy it stirs up.

It does seem to breed an equal amount of wild-eyed fanaticism and virulent hatred, both of which are a source of mixed amusement and embarrassment for ordinary, run-of-the-mill Catholics like me.

"I was raised as a Catholic, which is good, because it provides an interesting conversation starter for life. It also doubles as a conversation stopper."

See Charon


The earliest mass forming of Christians into one religion, known as the Catholic Church, latin meaning "Unity or Unified church". Until the 1500's, was the only large-scale "Christian" Church. Notorious for its harsh defense of original Christian doctrines of salvation and related issues. Also by far the largest Christian organization. Follows the Pope, who is the successor of the apostle Peter to whom Christ gave "...the keys to the kingdom of heaven". The infallibility (not be confused with impeccability, the pope is a man, not a perfect man) is attributed to the ability of the Pope to be able to make "infallible" statements on the doctrine of faith. When this occurs, the Pope will let it be known that the statement is "infallible".

Catholicism is based on the written and oral teachings of Christ and his Apostles. They also use the original bible, in contrast to Protestants who use and create their beliefs according to new interpretations of the "slimmed-down" version of the bible created by Martin Luther in order to support his own beliefs.

Peter was the founder of Catholicism.

See catholicism, one armed bandit


A vastly misundertood religion, that has been publicly humiliated and intensionally corrupted since it's beginnings, in an attempt to sifle and

silence Christ's true teachings and meanings. Through media slandering and widespread misinformation and documented insurgencies into the priesthood, "they" have succeeded in much of The Church's crippling. Protestants, feel somehow vindicated in the fact that they use a bastardized version of THE holy bible.

It makes me wonder why the Catholic Church is still the most devoutly followed and largest of the "christian" faiths despite everyon'es attempts at slandering it.


One of the most oppressive and dark forms of Christianity. The Catholic church is based on material items. The average Catholic is arrogant and spiteful of other denominations of their own religion. The beliefs of Catholocism surround the myth that the Pope is closer to God than the average person.

Catholic: Hey I'm Catholic! Catholicism is better than your religion!

Protestant: Hey, fuck you. You are just another stiff ass that never questions authority!

See catholicism, religion, christianity, bitch, cunt


One of the many sects of Christianity. Also, a religion that has been trying to cover their ass ever since scientific discoveries have proven the Catholic Church wrong. For example, Creationism was widely believed up until the 20th century. Evolution was proven and Creationism was found to be false and stupid. So what does the Catholic Church do? OH UH OMG UH... WELL UH... THE WHOLE CREATION STORY WAS JUST A STORY TO SHOW HOW THE WORLD WAS CREATED OUR B!!

The religion is based on an invisible man in the sky named God. Even though, this invisible man/force/spirit has never been proven, he is still the main idea of the religion. Then comes Jesus, a man who has only been proven to exist by people who did not even know him, a little under 2000 years ago, who ran around in sandals. The story of Jesus is also the same as many other stories from different religions.

For example, the Egyptian Book of the Dead 1250 B.C. a god, Osiris, had a son named Horus born of a virgin. He was visited by shepherds and wanted dead by a king, Herod. During Horus' life he had 12 disciples and was later crucified. He then was buried, rose from the dead, and two women made the discovery of his missing body(THIS REALLY SOUNDS FAMILIAR DOESN'T IT). Oh yeah by the way that story of Horus is true (look it up).

Finally, the Church is probably the biggest hypocrite of the world. The pope lives in a palace while people in Haiti eat mud (Was that in the Bible? you know live lavishly while people die from hunger and not do anything about it?).


Atheist: Way to waste your time. I am going to sleep in.

See stupid, idiotic, retarded, a joke, hypocritical, Catholicism


The first Christian religion, before those pesky infidels broke off and formed the innumerable Protestant sects. The belief that the virgin Mary is the mother of God, and that the souls of the dead must go through Purgatory to cleanse their souls before going to Heaven.

Catholicism is the most popular Christian religion in the world.

See Andre


A religion with a pyramidal power structure, based on the teachings of a man who actively spoke out against abuse of power in organized religions.

Theologically speaking, I am a Catholic. That does not mean I think the rules of the institution are those of God, or that the pope is infallible.

See Killing Kittens


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