
What is Cathouse?


A brothel.

Pussy (vag)= cat

The old lady took her pet to the cathouse before she left to go to france for a week, and almost had a heart attack when she realised what was going on there was not petcare.


Whore house

Also a club in Glasgow which sold out.

The cathouse used to be good now it's pish.


A club in Glasgow.

Colloquially reffered to as "The Catty"

It has two floors:

Top floor- Punk, Rock, Pop, Emo, Secene, Hardcore

Bottom Floor- Metal, Rap, Hevy Metal, Death Metal

Sheli- OMGZ did you hear Kat pulled at the Catty on Saturday!

Mhairi- Eww- magine pulling someone at the Cathouse. They're all a bit greasy

Sheli- Yeah I know. Now she has ampatigo

Mhairi- Ew! Facial herpes!

See cathouse, mosh, moshpit, mosher, punk, rock, emo, metal, glasgow, club, pull


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