
What is Cats?


He set us up the bomb. Also took all our base.

It's you!


Currently has my base.

CATS is right. I have no chance to survive make my time.


1. Cute little kitties that go meow but if you treat them badly, HISS!

2. The bad guy in Zero Wing.

3. All your base are belong to us.

Meow. Purr. Hiss.

How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. Hahahaha...


A very polite and/or sarcastic evil mastermind.

"How are you gentlemen?" (talking to people who's ship he has sabotaged with explosives)

"you have no chance to survive make your time" (Informing his victims that they have little chance of survial)

See 1337


A man(among others)to whom all your base are belong

Cats:All your base are belong to us


1. That guy who took all of our base

2. The funniest animal on earth. Next to the platypus.

1. Take off every zig.

2. The cats all jumped when the flashlight moved.

See haha, animal, all your base, cat, boob



1. /kãts/ Plural form of cat

2a. /kãts/ Someone who all our base are belong to

2b. /kãts/ The person who set up us the bomb

2c. /kãts/ A evil character in Zero Wing

1. There are many cats in the house.

2. CATS: Hello gentlemen, all your base are belong to us.

See cat, feline, animal, creature, zero wing


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