
What is Catsex?


A nonsensical word that can be used as either a verb, adjective, noun or almost anything else. Usually accompanied by various pictures of cats copulating. If anyone knows more about the origin of this odd word, I encourage them to write a better definition.

"That meal we had was catsex."

"You're an idiot."



Almost a phrase like "supercalifragilisticexpelidocous." mainly, its a way to say any noun, verb, etc. its mainly all dependant on tone, and almost meant to be responded to with "wait, what?" (However, Catsex would normally be a synonym for like, cool, or sweet, or superspecialawesome)

"Im sorry i didnt finish my homework, i was too busy with catsex."

"that movie was totally catsex"

See cats, catty, cattywhompus, meow, sex


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