Caught In A Mosh

What is Caught In A Mosh?


1. While on a Metal/Hardcore/Punk/ concert you(sometimes unwillingly) find yourself in the middle of a Mosh Pit, with all the craziness that ensues from such an activity. Although the pit can be quite harsh, it can also be fun as hell.

2. An awesome song by Thrash Metalband Anthrax; a true anthem for those who enjoy the afore-mentioned activity.

1. Dude, I was Caught in a Mosh last night in Death by Stereo's gig. I wanted to keep it civil, but damn! It was awesome.

2. Which one of these words don't you understand? I'm Caught in a mosh. Talking to you is like clapping with one hand. What is? caught in a mosh!

See mosh, moshing, metal, hardcore, circle pit


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