What is Celebrate Morning Mass?


Short for morning masterbation. basically a way of relieving your tension before you go to work, play, etc. Better than liquor or pharmeceuticals, a good orgasm will release endorphins and make you feel ready to face the world. Just be careful, gentlemen, you don't want to have a "hair gel" incident like in the movie "Something About Mary". People can also mistake for Morning Mass for going to services in a church..."I was on my knees and I did call on the Lord's name a few times...."

"Wow, Dude, you look really relaxed today. Aren't you worried about the big presentation?"

"Nah, I make sure I "Celebrate Morning Mass" before I get here"

"You do that a lot.... I admire your devotion to your religion"

See masterbation, endorphins, orgasm, hair gel, celebrate


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