
What is Celtic?



Mainly relating to the culture, language, and society of the Celts. "Celt" apparantly came from the Greek term for "Secret People", since little was known of them, and still not very much is. Genereally known to be a tall race of people, their coloring ranged from dark-eyed and dark-haired to blue-eyed and fair-haired.

Having conquered most of Europe, and even terrorizing Rome itself at one point, this viscious race was highly advanced. Ironmaking, womyn having the same status of men, going nude into battle to discomfort the enemies.

Still, for all of their adavancements, their languages had become so varied that they could no longer understand each other. When the German peoples attacked and defeated Rome, they also defeated the Celts...

Only In Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany, France do the Celts survive.

O chionn fhada, chaill sinn ar daoine, ach tha mi a' faireachdainn an teine nam Gàidheil. Rathadeigin, mairidh mo chànan beò... 's e linn òrdha a bha sin.

See Sam


Made the Uefa cup final in 2003 and somehow managed to take 50,000,000 fans along. Awarded the fair play award for no arrests and also won the nobel prize for turning 30,000 people into 50,000,000 using a device now known as the Seville Calculator.

I challenge you to find a Celtic fan who wasn't in Seville

Typical Celtic fan

"I was in Seville"

See football, soccer, fitbaw, cheat, bigot


Glasgow Celtic FC: Football/Soccer team supported by mainly Scottish catholics (with or without irish decent, although commonly with) and every plastic paddy around the globe. Fans of this team often sing pro IRA songs. Now Pro- Irish Republican Songs are not really offensive to most like minded Rangers fans and indeed non rangers/celtic fans in scotland, however, pro -IRA/terrorist stuff is!!!!

Glasgow Celtic FC: founded by an irish monk in glasgow to help support poor irish immigrants in 1888.

GCFC: claim to be a scottish side however youd be hard pushed to find any of their fans flying the blue and white saltire at their stadium (the scottish flag for those of you who are thick or just american) instead it is a sea of tricolours (rep of ireland flags) and other irish flags. It's particuarly strange and I suppose sad that a sizeable portion of these guys have little or no irish blood in them, being scottish catholics of scottish blood. Ok most catholics in scotland now are of irish decent but it wasnt always that way. (see definitions of Scotlandby bigmanofscotland for more info on this)

What it is I am saying is that it is ok to fly the odd irish flag if u happen to be one of those paddies who get the ferry over for the celtic games every weekend to keep the "culture" or "heritage" of the club alive but for gods sake not if ur anyone else. However if u do then ur just the same as the rest of the worlds plastic paddies: like the ones in the US for example who go to see celtic play when their in town because its an IRISH thing to do. So thats why GCFC is not a scottish team and thus why they are disliked and found irritating at the least.

PS. thankyou NEW ENGLAND REVS for inventing the great chant "where in ireland is glasgow" = GENIUS, spot on and well done. thats all i can say.

Celtic, Ireland, Irish, Plastic paddies, catholic, scotland,

See celtic, ireland, irish, catholic, scotland


let's try Kel-tic

Celtic culture had tribes all over Europe. They are an ancient people and/or their desendants, and some people who choose to follow Celtic Paganism also sometimes refer to themselves as Celtic. The word celtic could also be the language, the artwork, the spirituality,etc.

They were refered to as "the people from out of the darkness", because people knew nor understood anything of their language, culture, or spiritual beliefs and traditions. Much less where they came from, only that it was from somewhere out of Ireland.

Some celtic traditions live on today with a bit of variation from the original rituals, such as Halloween, which was Samain.


First things first:

1) Its pronounced Kel-tic not Sel-tic (unless you're reffering to the Scottish soccer team or the U.S. basketball team)

2) Whoever wrote the definition that says the celts were 'the white race in ancient times' is a frickin MORON!!!! Yes, The Celts lived in France... but they were driven west by THE FRANKS! (d'oh) Yes, the celts lived in England...but they were driven west and north by the ANGLES and the Saxons! There are tons of 'white people' who don't descend from the celts at all i.e. the germans, italians, english, spanish, dutch, finnish, norwegians, swedes, dannish, russians, polish, and pretty much every other 'white' group other than the six celtic nations! That person really needs to learn their history cuz they don't have a f'''ing clue what Celtic means! (:

Now for the actual definition: There are six 'Celtic' Nations: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and the isle of Man. The Celts have a unique culture and their languages (although endangered) ring with a unique poetry that often contains an element of the tolkienesque. The republic of Ireland is the only independent Celtic state. There are two main linguistic sub-groups within the 'Celtic' cultures:

Brythonic Celts: The Welsh, Cornish, and people from the Bretagne penninsula

Goidelic(Gaelic) Celts: The Irish, The Scots and the Manx.

Moron: The Celts were the White race in ancient times!

Irish Celt: Pogue ma thone! we have nothing to do with those fricken sasenachs! (Sasenach being the Irish and Scottish gaelic word for a "Saxon" or Englishman. The English are NOT Celtic. They are Anglo-Saxons!

See celts, irish, scottish, gaelic, whiskey


Based in Glasgow and are the best football team in the world. Has won the Scottish Premier League 3 years in a row and will extend that in years to come. Won the European Cup, Scottich Premier League and Scottish Cup all in the year 1967 with there best team which is known as the Lisbon Lions .Rivals of Glasgow Rangers who are just plain and simply GAY.

Hey how did the race for the Scottish League end up??

O Celtic won because the Gers choaked as usual!!

Hey dident Rangers lose to St Petersberg in the UEFA Cup afew days before???

As i said, they Choaked AS USUAL

See celtic, hoops, lisbon, lions, rangers, gers


Additionally, many historians and linguists believe that the Basque people of northern Spain and Portugal are also Celts -- base on their language, music and culture. Additionally, the Irish occasionally refer to themselves as the decendants of the Sons of Mil -- who came from Spain. So it's very likely that the Celts came from Greece via Spain -- and left a tribe there.

The Basque language is most likely Celtic in origin.

See celtic, basque, bask, spain, ireland


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