Central Catholic

What is Central Catholic?


quite possibly the finest high school institution in the united states, as well as the world. An all male school made up of the most intelligent youths a city can produce. Created in 1927, Central was destined for distinguished greatness. Although tarnished with tea-bagging alligations, the school community's resolve has shown through to the point where other schools have nothing else to criticize such an institution of learning for other than this allegid incident. The school, although all male, creates an invironment that caters to all walks of life, where gay, strait, catholic, or non, each individual will be called a fag by a fellow classmate and have his books encompassed with falic symbols ejaculating over last nights math assignment. Book checks are unaviodable and gamesharking illegal. Oakland girls are overrated because of being surrounded by scrotem for 6hours out of the day. All in all the female teachers are not hot at all if seen in normal day-to-day interaction and no school is better fit for young men looking for a college-preparatory school with a reputation of success than Pittsburgh Central Catholic. Unlike those greensburgh name stealing sons of bitches. We are the real CENTRAL and the viking is the only mascot we know or aknowledge. C.E.N.T.R.A.L whats that spell? CENTRAL! WHAT??

Central Catholic, better than your school since 1927.

See central, vikes, central catholic, vikings


A school in Lawrence Ma a really poor city in North East Mass, kids from all over go there, its a private school , but 65 percent of there kids came from public, School has great sports, and a great facillite , its the place to go to if you wanna make it, but in a comfortable non snoby enviroment

Central Catholic High School lawrence Ma

See central, catholic, high, school, lawrence, ma


an over-testoterone school of all boys in san antonio. most of them are jerks, and love to break hearts. We normal people do not like them (only baby d & i guess tovar are cool).

"Where does your boyfriend go ?" "Oh, Central Catholic." "they like girls ?"

See tovar, central catholic, private school, tinstaafl


Central Catholic: Once a flourshing all boys school in Lawrence, MA, a now co-ed Central Catholic, struggles to win anything besides basketball games wiht its "cultured" line ups of gonzalez's, cruz's, martinez's and rodriguez's. About 80% are caucasians from neighoring towns such as Billerica, Methuen, and Andover, this group keeps the average GPA up around 3.5. The other 20% are minority atheletes and keep the schools Nike and Pepsi sponsorships and help the schoo crime rate rapidly increase. On any given day on campus you will see the freshman football team doing there used needle check on the community football field, crazy fat bald guys running around in pink bikinis, and old men named moses convincing students to repent as well as throwing rocks at said freshman football team. Freshman spend their friday nights at the loop, Sophomores spend their friday nights at home wallowing in their own anonymity, juniors spend their friday nights drinking and driving, and Seniors spend their nights gettin their asses kicked by other high schoolers or in jail.

"Did you meet that kid from central catholic"

"Yea I can't believe he goes to school with all those minorities"

- Kids from Andover High

See methuen, melting pot, billerica, basketball, andover, Central Catholic


A bunch of stupid teabaggers. Think they're great stuff because their mommies and daddies pay for them to go to a private big name school. Have some of the worst parties around, where getting wasted and teabagging each other are deemed a "good time". Think they're great because they get to have school next to an all Catholic girls school, but the girls there are dirty and have syphilis. All in all, some of the worst people around Pittsburgh go there, and just about anywhere else is better.

Remember that party with the kids from Central Catholic?

Yeah, that party sucked.

See central catholic, assholes, preps, rich kids, pittsburgh


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