What is Central Middle School?


A public school in the center of Greenwich, Connecticut, Central Middle School teaches grades 6-8. It is One of the three middle schools in the Greenwich Public School System, or GPS, Eastern and Western being the other two. While Western is commonly know as the ghetto school and Eastern is commonly known as the preppy school, there is controversy over Central's standings. While many think it is the nerdy school, having by far the best test scores, others think of it as a mix, as there are many prominent cliques of nerds, ghetto wannabees (it is Greenwich), and preps. Central is known for its great faculty and good test scores. It produces children far more cultured and usually with more intellect then the Greewnich Private Schools such as Greenwich Academy, Brunswick, or Stanwich. The elementary schools North Street (the best elementary school ever), Julian Curtiss, Cos Cob, and half of Parkway feed into it. Central is overall the best middle school in Greewnich. GO COUGARS!

Lexi: I'm so sad I am leaving Parkway. But next year we'll be 6th graders! I'm soooo excited about going to Central. Like, aren't you?

Taylor: I'm po'd because I have to go to Western! You're so lucky, Western is like, eew. I wish I could go to Central!

Lexi: Yeah, Central's the best. GO COUGARS!

Central Middle School dominates over the other middle and private schools in Greewnich.

See gps, school, cms, brunswick, convent of the sacred heart


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